Sunday, September 26, 2010


Almost needed a jacket today! OK, only really early this morning, but still. I'm super excited that fall is here and hopefully the weather will be cooperating. I'm feeling much better and am ready to get back to (dare I say) work tomorrow. I went to an Arbonne party at a friends house yesterday and am currently waiting for my lash revitalizing serum to arrive. I sure hope it works. Apparently its supposed to be like Latise, only with all natural ingredients and won't change your eye color. We'll see. Also, last night we tried a new spot called Yucatan Taco Stand. It was pretty good, but not the best I've ever had. I ordered the garlic shredded beef nachos. Note: this nacho platter is so big that you need to share. Toody had the beef fajitas. We're so wild... and old! We were in bed by 10:30. Up with the roosters, we went to a new breakfast joint down the street. It was pretty good, but I'm not sure it beats our fave pancake spot. After breakfast we headed with friends to a gun store. I was hoping to find some super cute girly gun accessories, but no dice. Apparently, the only people who shoot guns (other than my girlfriends and I) don't care about fashion. Something needs to be done. We also went in search of the perfect Halloween costumes. Not an easy feat. Apparently, all women are supposed to look like hookers on Halloween. I'll keep looking. Well, I've got to get dinner going and iron clothes for the week. Chili tonight! Toody won't eat it, but I'm making it because I love it and its lower than 80 outside!
P.S. Go Cowboys!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well, this week didn't go the way I planned. I woke up feeling horrible on Thursday morning. I did my best and made it in to work before I realized that there was no possible way I could teach all day! I called in a sub and headed home. I slept off and on all day and ended up with a migraine. If you have never experienced the pain that goes with one of these babies, kudos. My husband knew it was bad when I was standing in the shower crying my eyes out... in the dark. He left and came back a few minutes later with a magic pill that let me sleep all night long! Needless to say I didn't work on Friday. I woke up in a daze, but feeling slightly better. Around 1:00 p.m. I pulled myself out of bed and watched movies all day. I also posted a project on This is a wonderful website that donors can give money to classrooms that need things. You must go visit it! I started feeling much better last night and now I'm pretty much back to normal. On the agenda for this rainy, lazy Saturday: laundry, Arbon party, and hopefully a nice dinner with friends. Can you believe its fall already? Sure feels like it. The weather widgit on my T.V. says its 71 outside! Too bad it's raining. Oh, and by the way... I chopped my hair off. I'll post a pic when I take one. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I can't believe how fast this school year is flying by! Next week is the last week of our first grading period. Crazy, huh? Well, I've been rockin' and rollin' with my 16 boys and 5 girls... Lets just say that we have to do a lot of movement activities to keep us paying attention. Also, we have gotten some great feedback from the first grade teachers about how prepared our kiddos are this year for them! On another note, this year I made a decision. I decided that I was going to work out at least three times a week- no matter what. I beat that and am working out four times a week. My workouts come in two forms: Zumba and Cardio Weight Training. They are polar opposites. Monday and Wednesday are devoted to Cardio Weight Training and Tuesday and Thursday are for Zumba. The two couldn't be further apart, I mean completely polar opposites, but I love them both!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Been a while...

Well, it's mid-September and fall should be in the air but its sticky and hot as you-know-what out there! I want to decorate the house for fall, but I can't bring myself to do it when it's ninety-something degrees out. Well I haven't had much excitement lately so there is not much to write, but I do have some great news. A dear friend of mine has been wanting a baby for so long and guess what!!! She is preggo! I am so happy for her and her husband. They will make great parents. In other news (I'm sure I've already mentioned this but...) I have 16 boys in my class. Crazy huh? I know. It's pretty wild. We don't do much girly stuff anymore. If anybody has any good "boy" ideas, let me know.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ugh!!! Already?

Is this weekend really almost over? Already? Wow, that went fast. We had a super relaxing weekend around here. I started feeling sick on Friday and realized that allergies were in full effect. I went straight home, self-medicated (Mucinex and Sudafed) and tried to take a nap. You would think that with all those drugs I would sleep. NOT! Misty texted and asked if I wanted to go to Target. Uh, duh! I heart Target. Its prob. my favorite store-EVER! We wandered around for a little bit and headed home. By the time I got home, Toody was home. I tried to get him to take me to dinner, but he had eaten a late lunch, so no dice. I put myself to bed super early. I woke up early (ugh!) on Saturday morning. I did a small amount of laundry and called up my momma to see if she was up for a little shopping. It was super nice outside, so we decided to meet up at an outdoor shopping mall. First let me say: I love Fiesta. There are some great new pieces out right now and it took a bit of self control not to buy it all! Second: I love Tervis Tumblers. They are the best cups I have ever owned. Now, third: Fiesta has commissioned Tervis to make tumblers that match the Fiesta line! O-my-gosh! Excitement? Uh, yeah! (Please remember that this happens as we age, folks. We get excited about things like dishes and bath mats.) I will proudly say that I didn't buy any of it. My hope is that we get them as Christmas gifts. Next, on to the real task at hand: the hunt for black capri pants. I went to several stores and searched through many sale racks only to find nada. I finally found a pair I love and had to spend much more than I had wanted to. As we are leaving we realized that Estee Lauder would be having their free gift! It would start on Monday (today) so we automatically made plans to go Monday and get it! Saturday night Toody and I went out to Shuck N' Jive and had dinner and a few beers. Sunday brought grocery shopping and pure laziness. We had our parents over today for burgers and hot dogs and now I'm enjoyed watching TV with the dogs while Toody plays his war games.