Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I can't believe how fast this school year is flying by! Next week is the last week of our first grading period. Crazy, huh? Well, I've been rockin' and rollin' with my 16 boys and 5 girls... Lets just say that we have to do a lot of movement activities to keep us paying attention. Also, we have gotten some great feedback from the first grade teachers about how prepared our kiddos are this year for them! On another note, this year I made a decision. I decided that I was going to work out at least three times a week- no matter what. I beat that and am working out four times a week. My workouts come in two forms: Zumba and Cardio Weight Training. They are polar opposites. Monday and Wednesday are devoted to Cardio Weight Training and Tuesday and Thursday are for Zumba. The two couldn't be further apart, I mean completely polar opposites, but I love them both!

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