Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well, this week didn't go the way I planned. I woke up feeling horrible on Thursday morning. I did my best and made it in to work before I realized that there was no possible way I could teach all day! I called in a sub and headed home. I slept off and on all day and ended up with a migraine. If you have never experienced the pain that goes with one of these babies, kudos. My husband knew it was bad when I was standing in the shower crying my eyes out... in the dark. He left and came back a few minutes later with a magic pill that let me sleep all night long! Needless to say I didn't work on Friday. I woke up in a daze, but feeling slightly better. Around 1:00 p.m. I pulled myself out of bed and watched movies all day. I also posted a project on This is a wonderful website that donors can give money to classrooms that need things. You must go visit it! I started feeling much better last night and now I'm pretty much back to normal. On the agenda for this rainy, lazy Saturday: laundry, Arbon party, and hopefully a nice dinner with friends. Can you believe its fall already? Sure feels like it. The weather widgit on my T.V. says its 71 outside! Too bad it's raining. Oh, and by the way... I chopped my hair off. I'll post a pic when I take one. Have a great weekend!

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