Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

Tomorrow is Hubby's Birthday. 29! Doesn't seem to bother him, but kind of bothers me. That means that in a few months I'll be 29... forever! We started his birthday weekend with a dinner at Cheesecake Factory with my parents. When we arrived the computer system was down so we had a thirty minute wait. Lucky us! We had time to do a little shopping! We wandered down the path to the outdoor mall and did a little window shopping to the tunes of a live band. As we were headed back to the restaurant, we passed Vera Bradley and got a great little surprise. Lunch boxes on sale for $20! I know. Lame, but when you are a teacher and brown bag it everyday, a good lunch box really makes a difference. The problem- limit one per customer! Hubby to the rescue! He came down so we could buy several of these bad boys:

When we finally got a table we enjoyed a great meal. Mom and I split a sandwich so big that I had to take all the lettuce and tomato off to eat it. Dad ordered a huge burger and only ate half of it. Hubby ordered fish and chips and ate the whole thing! For dessert a giant slice of Snickers cheesecake with four forks. Well happy birthday Toody, I love you!

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