Friday, July 23, 2010

I did it!!!

So we aren't leaving for a few days, but I'm packed! With the new charges on checked luggage (don't even get me started...) I decided to challenge myself to pack both Hubby and I in one suitcase. I did it!!! Ten days of clothes for two people in one bag. I'm not one to brag, but I think it is pretty impressive. Now... mind you, it's Maine. Its not like we'll be dressing up or anything. We packed pretty scarce... well for me anyway. This is the same suitcase that I had packed so tight that I had to sit on it for a seven day cruise where all I really wore was my bathing suit. The best thing: we will have access to laundry facilities, so I really didn't pack much because I'll do laundry halfway through. Any way you look at it, packing for two people in one suitcase is hard. I'm pretty proud of myself. My hope is that the clothes are so tightly packed that they won't shift around and get all wrinkled up. But alas! I have something for that too.... Downy Wrinkle Release. I always take a small travel sized bottle. Also, a small spray bottle of Febreeze will almost always save the day!

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