Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day of Rest- I mean running around...

Well, I made it through week one of school. Everything went pretty well, but man- I'm exhausted! We went out to dinner and karaoke with friends on Friday. After two hours at the restaurant, we finally got our food. The problem... we weren't even hungry by then. After dinner we headed to karaoke and watched some fantastic singers! I'm not even joking absolutely fab! One lady had the most beautiful, raspy, soulful voice that I have heard in a while. If you closed your eyes, you would thought you were listening to the radio! We watched some of our friends brave the stage, and I must say, they did great! I even got up there with a group of girls and sang "livin on a prayer." Mind you- I stood behind them and didn't sing directly into the mic. I'm glad Toody was ready to go before my song came up... Saturday treated me VERY WELL! Got a much needed pedi and did a little shopping. When Toody got home, we headed up to Choctaw for a little slot machine time for a friend's birthday. We didn't win anything, but we played for a while. After about an hour I started getting a headache. Does anybody else get headaches in casinos? I always do, but it doesn't keep me away. I think it has to be the lights and all the loud bells. I usually like to play a little blackjack, but all the tables were filled to the gill! We headed home and hit the hay. On the agenda for today: headed out to the lake to check out some possible properties, grocery shopping (I can not eat another sandwich for lunch), and laundry.

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