Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oops, day 1

Well, I totally did not post one single blog about Maine while we were there (no internet)! So I am going to kind of back track. Imagine that I'm in Maine and this is day #1!
We woke up at the unGodly hour of 3:30 in the morning to make our 5:30 flight. I was sooo tired. I took two Dramamine before we got on the flight and slept the entire first flight. We had a short layover and got on another tiny plane and headed for Portland, Maine. I heart Portland! We got a hotel room and headed downtown for some shopping/eating/drinking. If you have never been to Portland, Maine, I highly suggest you go. There is so much to do there. My faves: the Portland Headlight (a beautiful light house), Dimillo's (a floating restaurant with awesome fried Maine shrimp), and walking around downtown. We went straight for Dimillo's and I had the Maine shrimp and Toody had the fried lobster. We were both skeptical about the fried lobster, but it was really yummy! After an early supper we walked around downtown for a while and got some delicious ice cream. After the ice cream we were both exhausted so we went back to the hotel for some shut-eye. Next stop: Pleasant Pond!!!

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