Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ok, ok, ok, ok

So, I know, this day by day recap is getting a little ridic! Let me just sum it up for you right here: super fab vacay. While at the pond we relaxed, hiked, and ate. We took a trip up to Quebec and had an awesome time walking around, taking a carriage ride, watching the street performers, eating, drinking, shopping, and staying in our super cute boutique hotel room. We also visited the Citadel, which is a fort that is built around the city. Apparently it was built to ward of the Americans, but tsk tsk, it wasn't us to attacked. There was a 20 minute battle with the British (who won) in a farmer's field. At the Citadel we watched the changing of the guards. What is hilarious is that the guards wear British red coats, but the whole ceremony is done in French. Oh another hilarious note: their mascot is a goat. You must go to my facebook page and check out the pics! After Quebec we had another relaxing day at the pond before heading to Booth Bay Harbor, Pemaquid Point, and Christmas Cove. Booth Bay was so much fun and had tons of shopping and great food! Maine shrimp... yes please! Pemaquid Light House is sooooooo beautiful and has this gorgeous rock surrounding it. We walked the rock down to the water and played around. Of course we had to hit up the gift shop and get some ice cream too. From there we headed to Christmas Cove. That is wear Toody's g-pa used to stay when he was younger. He showed us the house they owned (hello- fabulous) and the club he used to life guard/pool manage at. It was awesome! We headed back to the pond for another relaxing evening and I started to feel nauseous. You may be asking- was in the shrimp? NO- it was the thought of our impending river rafting adventure the next morning. I was soooo scared. I had done it once before, but not since I was 12. Bed, sleep, anxious tummy, sleep. Wake up- scared to death. We get dressed, head to the rafting company and sign our lives away. We got on the bus, I was freaked the whole way. Well... long story short we flipped. Only one guy stayed in the raft and of course I was taken the furthest way by the river. When they got be back in the raft I was totally freaking out. We pulled over where I got out and pretty much refused to get back in. I have a fear of drowning and the water rushing at you doesn't exactly make it seem unreasonable. The river in down in a gorge and you can't hike out. The only way to get out is to take the river. I'm telling you- I was ready to live on that tiny beach for the rest of my life. There was nooooooo way I was going back on that river. Well, they talked me into getting back on. The thing is: I knew the big rapid was coming and I figured that if we got thrown out on a smaller rapid then hell was awaiting. I sat in the bottom of the raft until I knew we were in the clear. The rest of the trip was soooooooooo much fun. Met some great folks and have new friends. Well that's pretty much our trip. The day after rafting we headed to Portland, then headed home. Good times, great people, awesome food. Love Maine!

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